sunnuntai 28. syyskuuta 2014

Eventful Saturday


Our plan for Saturday was to visit the Köln Fernsehnturm Colonius first and after that climb the Dom. Well, nothing went according to our plan....

We thought that we should take the tram 1 to get to the Colonius, but it was totally wrong :D we ended up in the "wrong side" of Köln (eastern side of Rhein). We noticed that we were going to the wrong way when we saw the Colonius exactly in the opposite direction. During the tram ride we were wondering about all the people in the street wearing similar t-shirts. The streets were blocked by the police and there were lots of cars stuck in the traffic. We got off the tram at Deutzer Freiheit and all the people with the t-shirts were walking by the stop. So we went to a bridge right next to the stop to see what is going on.

There were so many people and they were having so much fun! Everyone was laughing, dancing and shouting. There were also trucks that played music. We didn't quite find out what it was about, but some guy tried to explain it to us. We figured out that it had something to do with securing the education and employment of young people. The guy also told us that the people were walking to Lanxess Arena to have a huge party! He even tried to sell us his tickets to the event :D

After watching them a while we decided to go to the Dom. When we got there, we noticed that there was some sort of event going on and that the tower isn't open for sightseeing..:( Luckily we still got to go inside and walked around the church. It was huge and really beautiful!

Then we wanted to go to the Colonius tower. We checked from the Internet now again that where we need to go and this time we got it right. We arrived near to the Colonius and walked the rest of the way. We were a bit amazed that there were no signs or other guidance to get there, but we found it still.

We got to the tower and there was nobody....We headed straight to the door and tried to get in, but a man stood on the way and didn't let us in. He asked where are we going and we told that of course to the observation deck! We didn't get in because....

Sooo we just left....we felt so stupid :D then for some reason we decided to walk to another U-bahn stop and not the one where we came from. You can guess how it ended...We got lost just a bit :) We walked around without knowing the direction, but after some time we found a U-bahn stop. It turned out that we were really close, only two stops from Rudolfplatz.
We got to Rudolfplatz and went to Lidl to buy bread.

A bag full of bread :D
In the evening we went to Chlodwigplatz to Pauline and Charlotte's place. We had fun playing games and just chilling! At some point we decided to head to a bar at Zülpicher Platz. Again what a fun night :)

Next post is about something sporty and challenging...
In the end our tradition, beauty picture :D

Auf Wiedersehen!

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