tiistai 7. lokakuuta 2014

We challenge you!


This post has actually nothing to do with our exchange here, but we wanted to still write about it and challenge you (everyone who is reading this) to it!!

Maiju got a nice piece of paper from her dad and this is what it looks like:

When we arrived here we decided to exercise and do sports, so that our fall would not be just about partying and eating and... So we decided to do this challenge! We started it on 2.9.
The first days were fine, we were just laughing like "wtf 20 seconds planking, it's nothing" without knowing how bad it would be eventually :D
Also at first it took only 5-10 minutes per day to do the challenge, so it was not so time-consuming either.

But yeah, then it got harder.. In the end squats were the hardest thing for Jenna and planking was almost impossible for Maiju :D But we made it!! We are soooo proud of ourselves.
And we did it every day (Except the day we were in Amsterdam, but we did double the next day so it doesn't count)!

Results? Yes! Now that we think about the challenge, overall our strength got better and we were able to do more and more. For example 100 squats felt horrible in the day 9, but then we made 250 of them without any pauses. And also something can be seen in our bodies :) We don't have a scale here at our place, but you can see that we are in a better shape now (or at least it feels like it....) :D

We are now having a break about two weeks and after that we are planning to start a new challenge! Not the same but with similar principles :)
So! Everyone, do this please! It does not take that much time and the feeling after doing the small exercise is great.

Also the paper suffered a bit during the challenge! :DD

Next post is about our trip to München and Oktoberfest!!

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