maanantai 8. syyskuuta 2014

Our apartment


First to tell you guys how we managed to find this apartment. At first we tried to get accommodation from the CBS dormitory, but all the rooms went in a second. So we needed to find an apartment on our own. There is a web site called WG-gesucht Köln, where you can find apartments to rent in Köln. We mainly used this site and a Facebook group in order to find a place to stay. We send out hundreds of emails to different people and normally we did not get an answer and if we did the answer was no....Luckily some of them did answer to us, but not nearly all. About two weeks before leaving to Köln, Jenna found this place from the web page and after few emails, the guy told us that we could move in!

Our front door!

The apartment is 45 square meters big with one bedroom. The apartment is also fully furnished, so we didn't need to bring anything here. The rent is 770€ per month and includes water, electricity and wifi. This can sound expensive, but it's not that bad when we split it. And comparing to the prices in Oulu for example, this is not that high either. Köln is still almost ten times bigger than Oulu. Many of our friends have told about their apartments and it can be that they are paying for one room around 500 €. Really we have found a good place!

The apartment is located right in the center of Cologne. We live next to Rudolfplatz, which is one of the most central tram stops here in Cologne. Also Neumarkt is really close to our place, about 500 meters. Neumarkt is the place where the best shopping opportunities are and the main shopping street starts from there. Zülpicher Platz is also very near to our place, there are all the clubs and bars.
We had no idea before we came here that this apartment is so centrally located, actually it took us about a week to realize where we are. :D All the services are really near us, just to mention couple of them: Lidl, McDonald's, Rewe (grocery store), KFC, Starbucks, gay bar (:DD), pharmacy...There is also a kiosk in our building!

Usually in the mornings we walk to school and it takes us about 15 minutes (1.5 km). We can also take the tram, school is only 3 stops away, which also takes approximately 15 minutes. One good thing that we didn't get into the dormitory is its far location. When we go from here to the dorms, we need to take first a tram and then a bus. This takes about 30 minutes (if we don't get lost! =D ). We really happy to be living in Rudolfplatz!

View when entering the apartment

Our living room

There is also another bar right outside our window!

Living room
Here was our apartment! Next post about something, maybe Amsterdam.... ;)

Auf Wiedersehen!

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