sunnuntai 21. syyskuuta 2014

Party and a little bit of school!


Like the heading already tells, our week has been umm.. partying and also a little bit of school :D

Monday was the day that contained school :D so just a normal day, going to school and hanging out. On Tuesday we had the regular day-off. We had our first assignment from school, which we wrote on Tuesday, it was about visiting the Dmexco. We had to write a short report of the event, not that difficult :D After finishing the reports we decided to go for a run! Earlier we have always just gone to the city center to run and we have noticed that people were always looking us like we are crazy or something..:D well now we finally realized why, we found this really beautiful park right next to our apartment. It was full on people just hanging out, drinking beer and enjoying the day. In addition there were all the other joggers..:D We will definitely go back there the next time we are going for a run!

In the evening we bought flights back to Finland! We decided to buy the ticket early so that we don't need to pay that much:) So if you are interested we are going back to Finland on the 20th of December, just in time for Christmas :) We found straight flights from Düsseldorf to Helsinki. Düsseldorf is the "capital" city of Nordrhein-Westfalen (state),so it is in the same state than Köln. Which means we can go there for free by train. The flight cost 179 €.But since we already have so much stuff with us (actually Jenna's luggage was too heavy already when coming to Köln!:D), we were smart and decided to pay for the extra luggage in advance! But....there was some small print :I if the flight is operated by another company then you need to pay for the extra luggage at the airport. Our flight is Finnair's, but of course operated by Flybe...which we did not notice btw! 25 € bye bye...

On Wednesday we had the German lesson until 19.45 and after that we talked with Stephanie and convinced her to go for drinks with us. We agreed to meet at the outdoor bar next to our place. We went there before 10 pm and had nice drinks:) Irina joined us a little bit later and then we headed for Flamingo! This time we didn't need to queue at all! Flamingo was really nice, like a better version of Tivoli in Finland:D In the beginning it was really nice, but after midnight there was soooo many people that it wasn't nice anymore. We tried to go to the dance floor but we couldn't move! We have never seen that many people in one place. So we decided to go home quite early and also because we had to go to school early in the morning. 

Drinks: two for one! :D

Jenna, Irina and Stephanie
On Thursday we registered for a trip to Berlin! The trip is organized by CBS and it takes place on 10.-12. of October. The whole trip including bus transport and accommodation in a hostel was 120€. In the evening (surprise surprise) there was a party :D typical Thursday.. We went to Yvonne, Christina and Pablo's place for pre-party. For the first time we were the first ones to arrive! :D We wanted to go to a new place for a change and we had heard that Nachtflug is a good place. We tried to go there first but it wasn't open:( Then we walked to the other side of the street to Diamonds, again :D 

Ready for the party! :D

but first let me take a selfie! :D
On Friday we had another day-off! :) We went to the Hauptbahnhof to buy train ticket for Juho and Jaakko. They are coming for our birthdays in October. Their flights arrive to Frankfurt so they needed ticket to Köln. We tried to buy them online from the but the system was stupid and we couldn't do it. We spent rest of the day just chilling and watching some tv shows :)

That was our week:) next post about our weekend here, and here is something we are working on at the moment...:D:D Can you guess what it is?

Bis bald!

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