maanantai 1. syyskuuta 2014



Our weekend was full of partying and everything else.

On Friday we went to school just for a couple of hours. We had a library tour ("This is the library, ok bye") and we filled out the registration forms for the city of Cologne. You need to register as an inhabitant of the city if you are staying here more than 3 months.

After school we went home, cooked, cleaned a bit and started getting ready for the evening. First thing was to go to Rewe (our favourite grocery store so far) and buy some alcohol. We found Somersby from there in a cute four-pack! The only cider we have been able to find here.. We had "some" problems opening the bottles because there is no bottle-opener in our apartment.. :D As smart girls we realized that we could use lighter, but it was not that easy..

The lighter got some damage :D

Success! :D (emptying the bottle)

At nine our friend Yvonne came to our apartment. We spent an hour here together, and then we left to Il Forno to meet with the other exchange students. There we drank one glasses of wine, which we had to order in German because the waiter did not speak English, and continued our way to Diamonds club.

One of our group works in the Diamonds, so we all got in for free. At the door we received a "credit card". You did not need to pay for the drinks when ordering them, but the sum was marked into the credit card each time. When you left the bar, you needed to pay the whole sum. We also heard that if you lose it during the evening, you need to pay a 40 € fee.

Smoking was allowed in the bar. Or actually it wasn't, but everyone did it still and nobody really cared. The EU laws huh? :D And another thing we have noticed: Coca-Cola bottles are thicker here! Finnish people, don't you remember the old bottles? Nowadays they are different in Finland, but not here..

At some point we were invited to the upstairs, which was a VIP area.
The evening was great and cheap for us :D A lots of free drinks, at least then when we noticed we are sitting in the same table with the owner of the club..

Jenna, Maiju, Irina and Pim

Pim photobombed us :( :D

What a great quality

On Saturday we slept over noon. Maiju had a headache... Caused of what? No idea. After arise from the death we agreed to meet with Yvonne and Martina at Neumarkt.
Neumarkt is one of the best areas in Cologne to shop. We went to Primark at first, and spent there like 2 hours.. The shop was crazy! Hundreds of people and 4 floors. Everything under 15 €.

Not that happy husbands waiting outside :D Juho and Jaakko, get ready for this! XD
After some shopping we decided to go grab Döner. We took Döner sandwich, which costed 3,50 €. It contained of course the kebab, then salad, tzatziki etc. It was so good and fresh! The meat was really different than in Finland: it wasn't that dark and it tasted fresh. A lot better!

While we were eating, Facebook informed us that there is a party in the dorms. We decided with the girls that we will meet at Yvonne's place at first and then go to the dorms.
We met Irina at Rudolfplatz at 20.40 and then we took the tram to Yvonne's place. It was raining a LOT, and we were not sure where to go so you can guess the result :D
At Yvonne's we met some new nice people and spent there couple of hours drinking vodka and playing cards. The Spanish-speaking guys needed to drink a lot, because during the game they were not allowed to speak any Spanish and... well they did. All the time. :D
The time was about 23 when we left for the dorms. There was a party going on! A lot of people, music, beer pong, drinking games and fun !! Me and Jenna were actually quite good at beer pong, considering that we were playing it for the first time. We lost only with one cup :(

Around 2 the police showed up because some neighbor apparently did not like our noise.. It was funny to notice how differently people react to the police. An example: some girls over there were taking it seriously: they were concerned and worried what is going to happen because the police showed up. Others could not care less. Me and Jenna were like running to the door to see what the police looks like :D:D "Yeyy, the police! Come and see it!!"

After the police left the party kinda stopped, so me, Jenna and Irina decided to go home. We left there 2.30. Until then the party was super fun! :)

Maiju, Yvonne and Jenna

Kleiner Feigling! This bottle was tiny, the height was about 5cm. Contained 20% alcohol and tasted like apple. Sweet!

This is how our (both..shhh) evening ended: McDonalds. So greasy but so good :D

On Sunday we did nothing.. Except Jenna colored my hair. And we ate. And watched tv.
Jenna actually was coloring hair for the first time and she did it so good :)
And yeah! Hair color is here super cheap! In Finland one color costs 10-13 €, here it was 1,95 € haha :D Not too expensive.

This was basically (huh? Basically? How long this post is going to be?:D) our weekend. Today we had our first lessons. We will come and tell about them later this week.



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