perjantai 19. syyskuuta 2014

Last week


Last week was full the normal day-to-day stuff. Going to school, hanging out with friends and of course a little party :D On Monday we had just a normal school day. Only thing special was that Jenna had to go to the post office. As an Erasmus exchange student we needed to fill out several forms about the exchange period. One of them is a Learning Agreement, where is listed all the courses we are taking here in Germany as well as the courses that are going to be credited for us in Finland. My Learning Agreement was of bad quality (bad ink quality..:D) so I needed to send the original version back to my school in Finland. After asking from few German students and Google maps, I found out that there is a post office at Zülpicher Platz. I found the office eventually..:D and there was a nice lady behind the desk who helped me in German. The cost of a letter to Finland was 4,05€ which included three post stamps and an envelope. Hopefully the letter made it to Finland! :)

Tuesday is our day-off!! So what a better way to spend it that go shopping!:)) The plan was to check out the popular shopping streets Schildergasse and Hohe Strasse after a quick visit in Primark.Well we went to Primark and after spending there something like two hours, we were too tired to go anywhere else....:D At least we did some good findings and cheap!

Jenna tried on FEW clothes....:D

So Maiju got bored.....

The outcome of a quick visit in Primark.....
After all the hard work we got hungry and decided to go to Subway to see if it's the same as Finland. Well first of all the choices of fillings were mostly the same with few exceptions: salami, BBQ rib and tuna-ham-bacon melt. We still decided to stick with the usual choice Spicy Italian. The sub itself was good, but in our opinion they baked it too long so the bread was kinda dry. The price was lower  than in Finland, about 3,50 €.

After enjoying our subs we wanted to try out one of the many beautiful cafes in Heumarkt (area near the Dom and Rhein). We found a place and ordered pieces of cheese cake and Daim cake with hot chocolate and tea. Here it is much cheaper to go to cafes than in Finland. We got those two pieces of cake, hot chocolate and tea with 10€, in Finland you need to pay 5€ just for one piece of cake.

Looks better than it actually tasted..:D

The cakes were delicious!

...I am sweet! (sugar)
In the evening we were just about to go for a run when somebody told us that there is a party at Pablo, Yvonne and Christina's place. So we made a tough decision and skipped the run......:D:D We had a lot of fun:) Nothing that special happened...except a trash can almost set to fire, let's just leave it there:D

Rares and Maiju at the party
On Wednesday we had a normal school day and finally the German course started! Luckily we are both in the same group, especially since the classes are held in the evening from 18.15-19.45. Our group is B1+, which means that we should already know some German! :DD In the same group are 5 Dutch guys, us two and three other girls. The teacher is really nice which makes learning more fun and the classes aren't boring. Even though the classes are in the evening, time goes really fast. We think we have already learnt a lot! Funny thing is that the teacher doesn't actually speak very good English, but it doesn't really matter because she can explain all the words in a simple way in German. We noticed this when she was trying to translate a word to English and couldn't. Actually it is better when she explains it in German, so we learn more.

On Thursday we needed to go to an exhibition to Koelnmesse (exhibition center). The exhibition is called Dmexco, it is a digital marketing exhibition and conference. We got an assignment from International Marketing and Applied Social Media Marketing -courses to visit Dmexco and write a short report about it. We needed to take part in a seminar and also just to look around. The Koelnmesse  was a huge place! Dmexco was held in the northern part of the Koelnmesse. We needed to take a bus from the south entrance to the northern one. Dmexco was held in three of the exhibition halls and actually there are 11 halls altogether. Basically every company from the digital marketing industry was there..:D just to mention couple of them: Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Ebay, Amazon, Spotify, Youtube, Google...Even though it was a B2B-event it was really interesting to take part in it. We heard that Dmexco is the most important event in the digital marketing industry and people all over the world take part in it. 

Before going to the Dmexco we grabbed some lunch! Yummy. Stephanie is really happy about her soup :)

Free drinks, food, candy and everything! :D

In the evening we went to the dorms, again:D There some people just hanging out and we spent a nice relaxed evening together. At some point we got tired and wanted to go home, but the last bus had already gone. So just call a cab! Sounds easy, but wasn't...At first we couldn't find the number anywhere, but after searching for an hour Maiju managed to find the number and call a taxi for us. We made it home!

Friday was a cozy home day for us. We finally made it to the run and in the evening we watched a movie and searched information about Amsterdam. We went to bed early because in the morning we left for Amsterdam :)

That was our week! At the end a nice, beautiful picture of us...
And btw this is going to be a new tradition in our posts: a nice beauty picture!

Bis bald!

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