lauantai 6. syyskuuta 2014



Saturday evening. Time flies here really fast! It was just a couple days ago when we came here..? :D
Two weeks, actually!
This week the school started. We are not sure how to handle all the classes... there are so many as 9 in a week XD In Finland we have like 9 per day haha.
Enough about the school for now, we will tell about it later!

We have had many events this week: on Tuesday we had a welcoming reception for new international students. It was held in our school's garden and cafeteria. The meaning of the event was to get to know everybody and meet our study buddies. Well, it did not go that well :D it was fun but Maiju doesn't even have a study buddy and Jenna didn't find hers and later we heard that he didn't even show up.
We just hung out with our friends drinking Coca-Cola and Kölsch (do we even need to mention this anymore, it is obvious that they serve it everywhere). We planned to go to Yvonne's place in the evening, but we never made it there..

Here we are! Jenna is shining like an angel XD
Just before leaving for the welcoming reception, our toilet seat broke :( It was flushing all the time! We called the caretaker of the house and he promised to come see it in the evening, after he comes back from a football match. Well, he came after 23 and could do nothing to it. After that we were quite tired and Jenna needed to go to school 8.45 in the morning so we decided to stay in. (End of story: the plummer came to repair the toilet next day)

On Wednesday I (Maiju) had no school so I just slept late and waited for Jenna to come back from school. In the evening Yvonne asked us to go for a walk. We walked around the city about two hours :) It was nice.


A beautiful hotel next to Dom :)
On Thursday we had a party called Crazy College- Welcome Party for CBS students! Maiju had school until 20 so she needed to hurry getting ready for pre-party in the dorms :D
Around 21 we left home and took a tram to Chlodwigplatz (better known as CH platz :D) and then we took a bus to the dorms, or that is what we thought.. Somewhere far away we noticed that we are going to the wrong direction. Then we got out of the bus and realized that we are like 2 km away from the dorms :D After walking like 30 minutes we found the dormitory.

There we hung out and drank wine in the back yard's garden. Jenna had some problems with her wine :D Of course there was a real cork in the bottle and we had no opener. In the dorms they had every other bottle openers but not one for wine bottles.. Luckily Pablo managed to open it with scissors :D Some guys got some wine to their shirts.. And Jenna to the eye :D:D
From the dorms we took taxis to Diamonds. We left there at 4 and there was a full party going on. Unlike in Finland, the bars here do not close at 4. Later when we talked to our friends we heard that it closed somewhere 6 am. We had FUN! Pictures below..

Andrea, Pauline, Jenna, Yvonne, Maiju

Andrea, Pauline, Jenna, Yvonne, Maiju, Christine, Manuel

Now I get it why people always think I am from Italy, Spain or Turkey :D

Yeah one picture tells more than thousand words..
On Friday we went to Düsseldorf (separate post coming!) for a Vogue Fashion Night.

Today! We had yeat another event, Crazy 88. A student from the Netherlands had introduced this event two years ago. It is based on a tv show in the Netherlands and basically about doing stupid and crazy stuff around the city.
We were divided into three groups and we got 88 tasks to perform in three hours. It was super fun and silly :D Example tasks:
-Cause a traffic jam of five cars
-Order a glass of milk in a brewery
-Propose a stranger
-Tell a stranger that you are the love of his/her life
-Eat a hamburger in only one bite
-Do moonwalk with the whole group
 Hopefully we get the pictures of today later!

At Hauptbahnhof there was a protest! Lots of police officers and protesters.

Next post is about our trip to Düsseldorf. Bis bald!

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