perjantai 26. syyskuuta 2014

International Speakdating and Food Fair


Did you see the awesome cooking picture in couple posts ago? It was about cooking rice porridge but it did not go like in the movies.. :D
So, Sunday was about baking for the Tuesday's event called International Speakdating and Food Fair! The event was arranged for Erasmus and other exchange students to learn new languages and taste food from all over the world :) We decided to cook for the event Karelian pies and egg-butter XD (munavoi). It was quite a challenge for us since neither of us had made them before.. But after all, we managed to do them and they tasted really good!

This is the starting situation.. :D
We started with cooking the rice porridge. As you can see, we succeeded well. Haha :D
Then we needed to make the dough. It contains rye and wheat flour, oil, salt and water. We did it exactly according to the instructions but it was horrible!! It was like glue or something.. So we added looots of flour to make it somehow thicker and easier to handle. Eventually we succeeded and started to create the actual pies!

Maiju's task was to create tiny balls from the dough
Then Jenna rolled them with a DRINKING GLASS.... :D:D

Before adding the porridge!
Then the next step was to start filling them with the rice porridge and shape them to look like Karelian pies. At first they were not so beautiful...

The first one by Jenna! :'D :D:D:D

After a while of practicing we became better!

Not so clean anymore..

They are ready!! And looked like they should look like!

And tasted good as well :))
On Tuesday was the actual event! We took our 30 pies and egg-butter there. The event was at our school: there were so many people and lots of different food!
At first the winners of Crazy 88 were announced: we became second. We were so disappointed because the third team got 405 points, we got 830 and the winners got 836. So close but so far... Hmm...

Then the Speakdating- part started! We were divided into tables according to what is our mother tongue. And the native speakers needed to teach the others their own language. There was possible to learn Finnish, Italian, Malaysian, French, Turkish, English... Couple of girls sat to our table and we taught them how to greet and represent yourself in Finnish :) Haha and we also taught them the word itkupotkuraivari :D Normal for us but the girls were pretty confused...

Then the best part: food!!


And the sweet ones :)

Everything we ate was so good! And apparently people liked our Karelian pies because they ended really fast and many people told us that they were good! :)
We spent at the school's cafeteria couple hours eating and chatting with our friends :) Then we decided to go to Das Ding! It is a club in Zülpicher Platz. The entrance fee was 5,50 € but during 21-23 you could drink as much you like. Though the only choice was vodka-red bull. You just took your empty glass to the bar and bartender gave you a new one.. Just wondering how on earth they make profit..? Nobody was really drinking after 23. Somewhere after midnight we came home to sleep because we had classes in the morning. What a fun evening :)

Next post will be about our trip to Drachenfels!
This week's beauty picture is a little bit older! :D

Our birthday party last year!
Bis Bald!

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