sunnuntai 14. syyskuuta 2014



On Saturday morning we woke up at 6.a.m because we needed to catch a bus to Amsterdam!
We had registered to a student trip to Amsterdam by Studifahrten. Studifahrten is an organization which organizes trips to students all over Europe. It is cheap and the traveling is made by bus.
The bus left at 8. The journey took 5 hours because we needed to drive to Aachen first to get some travelers from there.

There were 4 full buses but we knew only each other and Martyna.
We arrived to Amsterdam around 1 and left right away to explore the city! We had no arranged program for the day so we were on our own 12 hours :) We had still checked some web pages so that we know where you need to go and what to see there.
At first we went to shop some souvenirs!

After souvenir shopping, we just walked around the city and checked some most popular sightseeings.


And also Coffeeshops.. Which means shops where you can buy weed. There those guys were just making their joints in front of everyone, in the middle of the day..No problem.

Magic mushrooms and below weed lollipops!

Flowers in Nieuwmarkt

Koninklijk Paleis = The Royal palace and next to it Nieuwe Kerk, the most important church in the Netherlands


Bike parking lot :D
Then we took a tram to Museumplein to take the mandatory tourist pictures! There are those huge I AMsterdam letters. It was really crowded so we did not get that good pictures, but what can you do..

Then it was dinner time! We walked to the Dam Straat (=street) and picked randomly a restaurant. Jenna and Martyna ordered pizza, Maiju ate chicken. Prices were reasonable and the food too. Not that special but ok.

After eating we decided to go to Anne Frank's museum. When we got there, we realized that the line was really long.. Still we wanted to get in and decided to wait. Luckily there was free wi-fi so waiting was not that bad :D And we got in quite quickly.
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who wrote a diary of her and her family hiding in a house in Amsterdam during the holocaust. Unfortunately they were found after two years of hiding and were taken to the concentration camp. Only family member who survived was Anne's father, who decided to publish the girl's diaries.
The museum was worth visiting! It was built in the house where they hid and all the information was stated clearly and made impressive. And the price was not that bad, 9 € per person.

We grabbed couple drinks from a store and headed to the red light district! Btw Maiju was so happy finding Strongbow :D
The red light district was something you cannot believe until you see it. There they were, girls wearing only underwear and standing in the windows trying to get men go inside. There were lots of tourists just to go and watch what's happening, just like us :D But yeah, also actual customers.. When a man went inside just the curtain closed and then he came out after 15 minutes like nothing had happened :D it was so weird.. No pictures because naturally photoshooting was strictly forbidden.

Waffles before going back home
 1 a.m. we started our journey back home. The day was unbelievably great, but tough. We were so tired in the bus.. And the journey took more than 5 hours.. We were home at 7 in the morning. The feeling was awesome when we went to bed :D

Next post is about our week here, just the usual.
Byeee :)

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