perjantai 26. syyskuuta 2014

China Fest Köln


Last Saturday we went to Neumarkt to see the annual China Fest arranged in Köln. They had built a nice area to Neumarkt, which was full of tents. Food, culture all things China :D:D We on purpose did not cook lunch at our place so we would be hungry when going there!

The entrance
At first we found a tent where you could get a paper with your name written on it in Chinese. The woman had little bit problems with our not-so-traditional German or Chinese names, but she managed to do it :D

Jenna and Maiju, suprise XD
After that we just walked around the area, tasted some traditional Chinese tea (tasted like lawn, not very good:D) and enjoyed the atmosphere. Feeling in that event was warm and nice :)

That woman was soooo talented! See the picture above? The lady used somekind of rock to put lots of dots to the canvas (or something) and that is how the picture was created :D haha hard to explain but so cool
Then we sat down to eat a cup of noodles :) All the people there were eating chinese food, but the drinks were not that chinese (=Kölsch)..

After a while we left for shopping couple of new make-ups :)
And in the evening we went to party, of course.... :D:D This time we did not go to Diamonds! Instead we tried a new club called Reineke Fuchs :) It was a small house music club. Sooo refreshing to listen something else than mainstream top hits for a change. Such a good place, minus that it was really small and the entrance fee was 10 € :S

And let our tradition continue: the beauty picture of us, there you go:

Next post is about our baking day and International Food Fair! :)

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