sunnuntai 7. joulukuuta 2014



Just a "small" catch-up of what is going on here in Köln! The previous post is about Bratislava and we guess it has already been almost a month.. So lots of things have happened after that! :)

After that trip our families came to visit us! First came Maiju's mom and sister and Jenna's whole family. They spent here only one weekend which was totally not enough, but it was really nice to see them after a long time and also show them our current home town! :)


Family selfie! :)

The next week Maiju's father and his family visited Köln! They stayed here from Wednesday until Sunday so we had a nice amount of time to be together, see the city, visit the Christmas markets and everything :)

This week was our last week of school! (It is crazy, how fast the time flies...) We already had finished some courses so we didn't have that much actual school. But we spent a lot of time at school finishing our final group works and essays.. But now, everything is done and next week the exams start! The school has reserved two weeks time for the exams but we are lucky to have our last exam already on Monday of the second week. This means that we have the whole week to meet with friends and get ready for going home.

This week we had two events at CBS! On Tuesday we had a farewell party for all the international students at CBS. Actually, it was not a party, more like a get-together event but it was nice to see everybody! Furthermore it didn't feel like a farewell party, we think that nobody really wants to talk about going home at this point..
On Friday the school arranged a "winter party". We would call it pikkujoulut. They served glühwein, chocolate and cookies and played Christmas music. We would not call that event party either :D We just sat there together chatting and spending time together. But it was really nice and cozy and we had a real Christmas feeling :)

Kinderpunsch for Jenna! XD

Glühwein =hot red wine
Yesterday we celebrated Thomas' birthday! We started our evening at the dorms and then went to Diamonds. We had fun :) It was nice that so many people participated!

The only normal picture of us
Rachel, Louis, Jenna, Maiju
Furthermore life here has been quite normal: school, friends, being sick (SERIOUSLY: We are sick all the time in turns... When one of us feels better, the other is sick... And it gooooes around all the time). We have of course visited a lot of Christmas markets, but we will do a separate post about them!

Next post is going to be about Erasmus in general! We will tell you about all the bureaucracy etc.
Bis später,

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