tiistai 2. joulukuuta 2014

Public transportation in Köln


Here in Köln the public transportation is really good and totally different compared to Oulu. So we wanted to tell you something about it! Since we are students at CBS and have paid a fee of 168€ we are allowed to use all the public transportation for free! Also in the evenings after 7 pm and during weekends we are allowed to take one person for free with our ticket.

There are many tram (train) lines going all around the city and in addition there is also a bus system. The trams cover pretty much the whole city and it is very efficient to move around with them! An interesting fact is that the trams go sometimes underground and sometimes on the ground. Many stations have tram stops both on the ground and also underground (U-bahn).

All the trams in Köln, looks pretty complicated but actually it is very simple!

We live at Rudolfplatz and lines 1, 7, 12 and 15 stop here. The trams 1 and 7 go on the ground but 12 and 15 are underground trams. In the beginning we were a bit confused about it but now it is no problem anymore! The tram stop at Rudolplatz is also only a few minutes walk from our apartment. Usually the trams go approximately in every 5 minutes or less. Let's see how we will manage back in Oulu where the bus goes every half an hour :D Here if the wait is over 5 minutes we both are so frustrated and angry..:D:D

For going to school we can take the 12 or 15 from Rudolfplatz and it takes 6 minutes to Eifelstrasse, since it is only 3 stops away.  It really is very easy to use the trams!

We have lived here in Köln for 3 months and we have been checked for tickets only twice. Many people probably use the trams without a ticket since they are not checked so often! For example in Berlin it is totally different, they check the tickets all the time.

Rudolfplatz U-bahn

Our own Petteripaikka <3


CBS tram!
Next post is going to be about in general, what is going on here ! :)

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