torstai 11. joulukuuta 2014

Exams at CBS


It is the end of semester here in Köln and that means finals and exam week! At CBS all the exams are held at the end of the period, the school has reserved two weeks for them. So now everyone is really stressed out and trying to read for their exams :D We are both very lucky since we have our last exam already on Monday and after that we can just relax and enjoy the last days in Köln!

Surprisingly when we are in Germany, CBS has a lot of rules for the exams. One exam lasts for one hour only, you would think that yay!! only one hour but actually it's not good. One hour is not enough when the teachers put so many questions to the exams that you don't have time to answer them properly.

We are also not allowed to write our names to the exams but instead everyone has an individual exam number that needs to be written to the papers. This way the teachers can grade the exams objectively. But actually it seems stupid since the teachers always check the participants in the lectures and they say that participation affects on your grade...How can it affect when they don't know who wrote the exam?

CBS also has an examination office which handles all the stuff related to exams and course works. All course works are returned to the examination office, not to the teachers like in our home university. The examination office makes the schedule for all exams and they are overseeing the exams. This was a bit surprising for us. The teacher cannot affect to the exam date and that the teacher is not present in the exam to give you advice or answer your questions.

Here the exams usually make 100% of your grade and there is a lot more theory in the lectures, so we have been really studying for them! Seems crazy to be studying many hours in the library since we haven't really done anything during the semester :D

International Human Resource Management </3 :'(

The face when you realize you have spent 5 hours in the library and learnt nothing... :'D

Our new home: Köln University Library and Lesesaal
Two exams to go! Then we are freeeeeee!! <3
Next post is going to be about Christmas Markets.

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