keskiviikko 17. joulukuuta 2014

Night life in Köln!


In this post we will tell you all about the night life in Köln. From all the clubs we will tell the name, address, nearest tram stop and then our experiences about them.

Roonburg (Roonstrasse 33, near Zülpicher Platz)

Roonburg is a relatively small club where we only go on Mondays since there is a special event called Fuckin' Monday. The entrance fee is 4 € and cloakroom is 1,5 €. Here you also get the credit card for buying all your drinks and paying them when you leave the club. Unlike in many other places in Roonburg there is no minimum amount to spend. In the Fuckin' Monday -event the first 100 guests get a free shot and every group of 5 girls get a bottle of sparkling wine for free and you can play beer pong for free also.  The music played is mainstream and the atmosphere is relaxed. The club is located in the basement and the walls are made of red tiles. The place itself is not that fancy but cozy in its own way. Roonburg is actually like a combination of a bar and a club ,since there is big dance floor but you can also just sit there and talk.

Das Ding (Hohenstaufenring 30-32, at Zülpicher Platz)

Das Ding is a very good club for students since it has different offers everyday! We only go there on Tuesday because then you need to pay 5,50 € for entrance and you can drink two hours (22-24) for free. At the entrance you get a glass and when you take it to the bar they give you a glass of vodka red bull. Every time you want a new drink you can just take the glass to the bar and they will automatically  change it to a new one. The atmosphere in the club is surprisingly a bit crazy after twelve...:D but we have always had a great time there! They play mainly mainstream music and the club is pretty simple. The bouncers are very strict there. They want to see everyone's IDs and they look at them very carefully. Also each time that we have been there someone has been kicked out:D

Flamingo (Friesenwall 86, between Rudolfplatz and Friesenplatz)

Flamingo is a club where we go on Wednesdays. They have a student party each Wednesday and the place is always really crowded. That is probably why it is called Flamingo since you can literally only stand there with one foot. There is no entrance fee and also no minimum amount to spend because you pay for your drinks immediately. They have a special offer from 22 to 24, you get two drinks for one! At the entrance everyone also gets a chip and you can have a game with the bartender with it. You roll the dice and if you get a higher number you get a discount for your drink. The place is really nice and they play good music but it is always too full.

Diamonds (Hohenzollernring 90, near Friesenplatz)

The club where we have been going the most. We go there only on Thursdays since they have an event called Crazy College. There is no entrance fee and you get two shots for free and also other special offers. At the entrance everyone gets the credit card and the minimum amount to pay is 5 € when leaving the club. Diamonds is the biggest club and also it is nicely decorated. They play mainstream music like almost every club here. Special about Diamonds is that people can smoke inside. The Crazy College parties are always so much fun and the place is usually full!

Vanity (Hohenzollernring 16, near Rudolfplatz)

We have been in Vanity only a couple of times. It is a relatively big club with one huge dance floor. They arrange a lot of different kinds of events there. The last time we went there the entrance fee was 5 € and you get a credit card for your drinks. The minimum amount to spend is 10 €. The club is okay and nice but not so special. Like said we haven't been there that many times.

Heinz Gaul (Vogelsangerstrasse 197, near Venloer Strasse/Gürtel)

Heinz Gaul is a huge house music club in Ehrenfeld. The club is built into a huge storage hall so the atmosphere is rough but still the place was nice. Popular house music artists perform there and the place is full of people. That's why the entrance fee is really expensive. When we went there it was 12 €.

Reineke Fuchs (Aachener Strasse 50, near Rudolfplatz)

This is a very small house music club. The club doesn't invest that much on decorations, there is nothing inside except a dance floor. :D The music there is deep house and people who go there really go for the music and not for a party. Many people there are on drugs: at least it seems like it. The entrance fee is changing, sometimes you can get in for free and sometimes you have to pay 10 €.

Crystal (Hohenzollernring 79-83, near Friesenplatz)

We went to Crystal only once when we had a party organized by our school. The place was then totally full even though it is rather big: it has two floors. It is a club and they have a huge dance floor. The music there is also mainstream. The club itself was really nice and the atmosphere at least at our party was great! Then the entrance fee was 5 € and the minimum amount to spend was 5 € also. A special thing in the club was that if people wanted to go smoking outside they had to pay 5 € for that.

Subway (Aachener Strasse 82-84, near Moltkestrasse)

Here we also went once because we wanted to try a new place. That night they had a hip hop event so it wasn't really our kind of music. The place was quite small and it was totally full that evening. It was also located in the basement. The entrance fee was 5 €. One stupid thing was that when we went there the cloakroom was full so we needed to carry our jackets with us.

These were only the clubs we have visited but Köln is full of night clubs and bars. This was only a small part of them. It's so nice to have all different kinds of clubs and bars to choose from, we are going to be so bored and depressed back in Finland. :D

The next post will be a random photo post!
Bis später!

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