tiistai 2. joulukuuta 2014

Cologne Business School


In this post we are going to tell you a bit of our school, Cologne Business School = CBS.
The school is a private business school and part of European University of Applied sciences. It was founded in 1993.  The school offers both Bacherlor and Master studies in English and German. And an interesting detail is that all the teachers in CBS are freelancers. The study fee per year is approximately 10 000 €, but we as exchange students don't need to pay anything.

The school is located really near to the city centre of Köln, in Hardefuststrasse. (near tram stops Eifelstrasse, Eifelplatz and Ulrepforte).

CBS is a new partner for our school in Finland, so we are the first exchange students from OUAS. Even the head of our degree programme hasn't visited the school (yet) :D
We don't know the number of the students in CBS, but at the moment we are approximately 180 exchange students studying here!

Now some pictures of the school building!



"This person is responsible for my future"

Hallway. Can you see the painting? At first we were wondering all the weird letters in it, but eventually we found out that it says "Does CBS talk your talk?"

The lobby

Next post is going to be about the public transportation in Köln.

Bis bald!

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