lauantai 20. joulukuuta 2014

Last week in Köln


Ympyrä sulkeutuu.. One of our first posts was about first week in Cologne and now we are making a similar kind of post about the last week here. The week has been full of everything nice :) But unfortunately everything good comes to an end..


We had our last exam on Monday! It was about international procurement and the exam was shit. :D Most difficult and annoying of all our exams. But after that the feeling was awesome: we are free!! Right after the exam we went and had lunch in restaurant Marilyn, where we also celebrated our birthday couple months ago. We at first considered should we drink cocktails to celebrate the end of the exams but we skipped it because it was like 2 in the afternoon. :D We decided to go and have Kitti Chai's popular jumbo cocktails in the evening instead.

Delicious!! The whole meal cost under 10 € per person
After lunch we decided to continue celebrating the end of exams by shopping! We went to Schildergasse and of course we found something... You can see from the previous post for example those super beautiful Simpsons-shirts :'D

Then it was time to relax a bit before going out! At first we went to Kitti Chai to have those jumbo cocktails. One cocktail cost 6,95 and it was super huge.. Have to admit, we both were drunk after drinking one of those... We had a nice time there just the two of us chatting about everything, important and not so important :) Then it was time to go to Roonburg! It was Diego's birthday so we went there to celebrate it. Super funny night with all the friends!

Zweimal Sex on the beach!

For Jenna one is just not enough :'D


On Tuesday we went to the chocolate museum in Köln! Haha we have been planning to go there the whole 4 months and now made it there.. :D The museum is located at Heumarkt. The entrance fee for students was 6,50 €. The museum was a bit disappointment... Actually we don't really know what we were expecting but it wasn't that special. And in our opinion the museum was not that well designed. You really didn't know where to go because the rooms were quite big and there was no guidance. But a good thing was that we got to taste chocolate for free! :D The smell there was something you cannot describe.. They were actually really producing there chocolate: you could see the engines and the whole manufacturing process.

Chocolate fountain <3

Free tastings!

There was of course also a shop full of different kinds of chocolates!

Old chocolate machines 
At 8.30 it was time to meet with our friends and have dinner together! We had made a reservation to a restaurant called Beef Farm-Inn (Friesenplatz) at 8.30. When we arrived there the waiters hadn't done anything so that we could fit there. There were other people eating so we just needed to wait for them to finish before we could get in... Eventually somewhere after nine we got in. The food was good and it was really nice to be together with everybody :) We just don't get why it is so hard to listen to what the customer orders? :D Maiju always orders her hamburger without cheese and like usually, it was there also this time... Luckily they changed the burger into a new one quickly :) Then we went to our traditional Tuesday's place, Das Ding! We had a good time there, of course! It is always fun when there's lot of friends :)


On Wednesday morning Maiju traveled to Düren to have a job interview! If everything is going well, Maiju will come back to Germany in March and do her intership and summer job here. :) Let's hope for the best!

Nothing else special really happened on Wednesday. Jenna went to the Christmas Markets to buy the last gifts and then we just hung out and relaxed at home. In the evening we were supposed to go to Flamingo, but somehow we ended up going to McDonalds....... :D:D:D


In the morning Maiju and Rares went to Hohenzollernbrücke to put a love lock there! It was so cute :3
In the evening we had a dinner with friends at the dorms! Everybody cooked something and then we tasted all kinds of different foods. The dinner was delicious and it was lovely to be together with everybody. This last week has been at the same time the best because the time spent together, but on the other hand everyone has been already really sad and every day someone has left home.. After the dinner Jenna and actually everyone else also went to Diamonds! Maiju instead spent the rest of the evening at home crying like a baby :'D Haha..


Yesterday we finally started packing. It was super weird to gather all the stuff together and start putting them to the suitcases. The feeling was something you cannot even describe... Like "what the hell am I doing, I am not going anywhere?!" We managed to pack one suitcases both. At some point it started to look quite catastrophic because we have A LOT of stuff here...

haha doesn't it look very organized??? Notice also those hair colour packages... Maiju has bought "some" to take to Finland because they are so cheap here

With these suitcases full our apartment still looked like we didn't pack anything..
After starting to pack we agreed to meet with the girls and climb the Dom! We have been living here 4 months and in the last day we are going to see the main sightseeing of Köln... Well played girls. Well, we made it to the Dom just to notice that the entrance is closed. Maybe next time when we will visit Köln! :'D

It is always as breathtaking to see it. So beautiful.
Because we couldn't go there and the weather was really horrible, we decided to go to Starbucks to have coffee and just to spend time together for the last time here in Köln. We stayed there couple of hours just talking and relaxing. Wonderful afternoon :)

Then we went home to get ready for the evening. We went to the dorms in the evening to have a last party together. The dorm was full of people! Seriously everyone came there to see each other for the last time and have fun together. The evening was super fun but also sad, eventually just everyone started crying (like a lot.....). Some of us went to Vanity afterwards and when we were all together in the tram, other people probably thought that we are crazy or something :D Must have been something worth seeing like 20 people just crying and hugging each others... Now we can smile to that but yesterday it was soooo sad and nobody could stop crying and hugging. We are going to miss everyone so much.

Hasan! He is working in the kiosk in the same building where we live. We have been talking to him always when we go to that kiosk. He is such a nice person :) We promised to go and greet him when we come back!


Today. The last last last day here in Germany. Today we have been finishing with packing and cleaning the whole apartment. In an hour we are leaving this apartment, our home, without coming back. It feels so crazy, sad and weird at the same time. Our Petteripaikka, we will miss you <3

We had a small break and stopped by the Christmas Markets next to our place.

Maijo! XD

Now we seriously need to finish this post so that we will catch the train to the airport.
Cannot really believe this is over.... We both are making own posts telling more about current feelings and thoughts concerning leaving here and overall of the whole exchange. Those are going to be the next and lasts posts of our blog.
We really want to thank you all who have been reading this blog and following our experience here! <3


keskiviikko 17. joulukuuta 2014

Random photos part 2


This post will be again full of different pictures that you haven't yet seen!

Writing a blog is not always that easy.....or not at least for us :D

Studying hard

Maiju wanted to make some food for us so she decided to fry the toaster!! :)

Here is the result...
Lunch at school

Studying hard part 2

Potatoes with sauce-Amerika please :'DD

Party at the dorms

Visiting the Aachen Christmas Markets

Rares with the two polar bears



Kitti Chai <3

Library </3

#model #photoshoot

Friends: Christina, Jenna, Giulia, Ankit and Grana Padano :'D

Latest fashion in Germany! 
Hope you enjoyed, we did! :D
Next post is going to be about our last week here in Köln, in Germany and in Erasmus....:((