maanantai 10. marraskuuta 2014

Zürich and Rheinfall


Friday evening at 22.30 we started our journey to Rheinfall (Rhine Waterfalls) and Zürich, Switzerland! We had booked this trip from pm2am Student trips- organization and it cost 55 € including transportation back and forth, small breakfast, map of Zürich and also sightseeing tour in Zürich.
Around 8 in the morning we arrived to Rheinfall! We had 45 minutes time to enjoy the waterfalls. We just walked around, took some pictures and enjoyed the fresh air (in the bus it was so hot that it was really uncomfortable). And also we met Maikki! <3 She is our classmate from our home university and at the moment she is doing her Erasmus in Neu-Ulm, Germany.

Rheinfall is often called the Niagara falls of Europe and actually it is the largest waterfall in Europe. It was a beautiful place! Unfortunately pictures doesn't do justice to the place.

Reunion of the Finns!

So fresh after traveling 9 hours in a bus!

At nine we continued our journey towards Zürich. We arrived there at 10 and walked to the city center to make a sightseeing tour. The guide was not actually a "real" one: she was one of the pm2am employees. We just walked around the city to see the most popular sightseeings. Zürich was actually quite a small city: it took approximately one and half hour to walk around it. The sightseeing tour was over at 12 so we felt a bit stupid because we had seen almost the whole city and still had over 10 hours time. :D

At first we went to Starbucks because Anna wanted to grab a coffee.. But it was so expensive she didn't  buy anything! We had heard that Zürich is an expensive city, but still. Everything was super expensive in the city that we couldn't really afford buy anything :D One CHF = 0,83 €. In Starbucks one small coffee cost 6,50 CHF. That is just too much.
Then we decided to go and eat in McDonalds because we realized that all the restaurants might be also way too expensive for us! Haha we could afford eating there but yeah, the prices were twice the prices here in Germany. Big Mac- meal cost 11,70 CHF.
Then the plan was just to walk around and enjoy the sunny weather :)

Fraumünster church

Münsterhof square

Nice selfie...
Cafe Odeon, popular because it used to be a "second home" for writers, painters and musicians

Hauptbahnhof (=main railway station)

The city was full of fountains

Zürichsee = Lake Zürich and the Alps in the horizon

We were just walking around the Old Town and then found a funny store that sold candies! Look at the window, it was so cute!!
We decided to go in and see how it is from the inside. Luckily we went there because we found something... AWESOME :D

Candies from Finland! Turkinpippureita, Lakritsi- ja salmiakkimattoja, salmiakkisuklaata, Lakrisaleja, kaikkea! Namm!!

We did not leave there empty-handed.. Salmiakki <3
At some point we found a souvenir shop and went there in order to find something for a memory.

Angry COWS?? are you fucking kidding me :D This is plagiarism.  Just for comparison the REAL one:

Finland guide!

The best place to be in Oulu at summer: Keltainen Aitta!!

In the evening we were hungry again so we went to a grocery store to find something to eat. We are still so amazed of the prices: for example 1 kg of mandarines cost 6,50 CHF?? How can those people live in Zürich, just asking :D We managed to find food and went to the railway station to eat :'D So fancy..

tasted better as it looks
In the end we were basicly just waiting for the bus to leave.. We were quite tired because of walking the whole day without any specific things to do.
All in all, Zürich was a beautiful, but quite small city. It was nice to visit it but maybe we wouldn't go there anymore. The prices were definitely too high and in our opinion you can pretty far explore the city in one day.

Next post is about Kölner Zoo!

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