sunnuntai 2. marraskuuta 2014

Movie night


Last week's Tuesday we wanted to something different and decided to go to the movies! It wasn't so easy as in Finland, since here almost all the movies are spoken in German and not in English as in Finland. Luckily we managed to find one movie on that day that was spoken in English with German subtitles!
The movie was played in movie theater called Metropolis at Ebertplatz. We needed to take the tram there and it was about 10 minutes ride from Rudolfplatz. The theater was located right next to the tram stop at Ebertplatz. We didn't know what to expect from the theater, we thought that it could either be really new and modern or then old and horrible :D It turned out that it was neither of them. Actually the theater was really nice, it was a bit old-fashioned, but still it had a great atmosphere.

First we needed to buy the tickets and they weren't that expensive, only 6 €. Then of course we wanted some snacks! The assortment was very different compared to Finland. They sold sweet and salty popcorn, some candy, beer, soft drinks and nachos.

Maiju took popcorn and Jenna tried the nachos!
After buying all the necessary stuff ;D we tried to find the room where they play the movie, we found it and tried to go in but we weren't allowed to..:/ We weren't even allowed to wait in front of the door, everybody needed to wait in the lobby. Just before going inside we noticed that the tickets weren't for a specific seat, but everybody could sit where they wanted to!

The worker started to let us in and of course he checked the tickets, but not like they do in Finland with the QR reader...He just ripped a part of the ticket away :D Then we walked into the room and because we didn't have specific seats of course we wanted to be there first. So Jenna yelled to Maiju "Let's go to the upper row so we can see! " and Maiju replied that yes sure! Well, we walked in and started laughing.....there was no upper row, all the seats were on the same level :D We thought that it would be hard to see the movie, but actually it wasn't. The screen was so high that even we could see from the middle. The seats weren't actual needed to "open" the seat before sitting down. The biggest difference and the thing we missed the most was that there were no cup holders!

The movie was called Gone Girl and actually it was Finnkino's movie of the month in October. It has also received 5 stars from the reviews. And it was worth every star! Even thought it lasted 2,5 hours, it wasn't boring at all: actually it was very interesting and intense, It was a thriller, but not scary except in one point where Jenna needed to close her eyes...:D:D

After the movie we went straight home to sleep because it was already over midnight. The original version of the movie was played only at 21.30, the German versions were played many times during the day..

The next post will be about our short visit to Bonn!

Bis bald!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Kemin leffateatteri on kans tollane :D oli aika huvittavaa käyä siel ekan kerran..

    1. Joo oli vähä sellanen paluu menneisyytee! :D haha mitä pidät tästä meijä uudesta yhdistelmänimestä :'D Maijujenna Koskiheikkinen...
