tiistai 18. marraskuuta 2014

Kölner Karneval 11.11.


Here in Köln a carnival called Kölner Karneval is celebrated annually. The carnival itself is celebrated in February, but the carnival season called the 5th season is opened on the 11th of November at 11 minutes past 11. This happened a week ago and we of course took part in the celebration!

The tradition is that everybody dresses up and goes to the city center already in the morning to celebrate the opening ceremony at Heumarkt. We also went there at 10.30 and it was already totally full! We of course wanted to dress up like everyone else, so Jenna was a bunny and Maiju a cat.

Luckily we managed to get inside the fenced area, where opening ceremony took place. There was a stage with an orchestra playing traditional German songs. Of course everyone was there and people were just singing the carnival songs and drinking :D At 11.11. people went crazy! After that we stayed there a while and then decided to walk to Zülpicher Platz to meet the other exchange students.

A loooot of people and the stage with an orchestra at Heumarkt

Maiju, Stephanie and Jenna

Maiju, Fons and Rares
It took us some time to walk to Zülpicher Platz, but we were there on time at 12.30 waiting for the others. Everyone showed up eventually and then we walked to Zülpicher Strasse to continue the celebration and find a bar. The street was full of people, we could barely move!

Pauline, Jenna, Maiju, Andrea and Helena
Maiju, Ankit, Jose, Martina, Rares and Felipe

Zülpicher Strasse

Jenna, Fons, Maiju, Ankit and Rares

Peter and the minions! 

That guy was in every picture and nobody knows who he is...:D

We spent the day at Zülpicher Strasse and went to a bar also. It was so funny that all the bars and clubs were open already at 2 pm! :D  The atmosphere in the city was really amazing, everyone was dressed up and happy! The city looked kinda funny with all the people in costumes..:D

In the evening we also went to a club and spent there few hours. We left already around 7 pm....:D:D Then we went back to Zülpicher Strasse to go again to a bar. People were still celebrating there! We spent there some time and then went home around 10 pm, because we were already tired after 12 hours of celebrating! It was nice to get the normal amount of sleep even though partying the previous day/night :D It would nice to party always like this! We had no problem going to school the next day :)

Next post is about our trip to Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava! We are doing separate post about each city.

Bis später!

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