keskiviikko 5. marraskuuta 2014

Relaxed Sunday in Düsseldorf


Last Sunday we wanted to do something else than just lay on the sofa for the whole day. So we got an idea to go and spend the day in Düsseldorf! Our visit had actually no actual reason, we just wanted to go and see the city and walk around. It is easy to go to Düsseldorf since we can travel for free and the journey takes only 30 minutes. We left there 14.30 and Christina joined us :)
We arrived there and decided to go to Altstadt (Old Town) since we have already seen the city centre before and since it was Sunday, no stores were open.

During the day we walked several kilometers just enjoying the sunshine and the relaxed feeling! It is funny how the culture is different from Finland. Here, on Sundays, people spend the day sitting in cafes, parks, next to Rhein river and meeting friends. We talked that if everything was closed on Sundays in Finland, everybody would just stay home and watch tv :D

Now, pictures from Düsseldorf!

A lovely chocolate shop. It had also a cafe

Can you see that stupid VIP sign? We were wondering what is so different compared to others :D

Next to Rhein

Nice one, Maiju...

Reminds us a bit of Helsinki central train station

Beautiful canal next to Königsallee


Maiju the Teletappi :'D Tiivi Taavi...
In the evening we decided to go and eat dinner! We found a nice chinese restaurant and stayed there. :) Maiju ate chicken and vegetables in a sweet&sour sauce (I deleted the picture of it accidentally :'() and Jenna ate noodles with chicken and vegetables. So delicious!! And again, the prices were not bad. It was 8,50 each.

Jenna's food, so delicious! 

That was our day in Düsseldorf! Next post is going to be just a huge amount pictures (stupid and more stupid ones) taken during our stay here in Germany!
Bis Bald!

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