torstai 6. marraskuuta 2014

Random photos


This post is going to be full of photos taken during our stay here in Germany! Enjoy :D

Happy girl after finding Somersby! Though it was only that one time..

It wasn't autumn here in Germany after all......:D

At the Dom!

Andrea, Pauline, Jenna, Yvonne, Maiju

Cleaning our apartment.. I have never seen that shitty apartment than this when we arrived :D

Just some snacks.. Haha mom we are eating really healthy here!!
Healthy eating continues...:D We split this and still couldn't eat the whole thing!

Our broken toilet...

Jenna's vegetable lasagne

One night we walked to a bar and stopped at McDonalds :D Jenna, Benjamin and Felipe

This is what a girl looks like after stealing a flag from McDonalds
Trying on Dirndl!

An orchestra was playing music next to our place! We heard it all the way inside and went out to see what is going on
Rares made food for Maiju

Marie, Pauline, Emeline, Pauline 

One night in Roonburg! From right: Pim, Maiju, Helena, Dita, Jenna, Alyssa, Marion and her friend

As Pablo says: My niggas

Basic Sunday :'DD

We laughed so hard when we found these from Lidl

Pim and Marcus
Haribo store, only in Germany :D
Maiju and Emeline
Martyna and Maiju
Jenna drank only one glass of wine :'D Though the glass was more like a soup plate
A grumpy woman dancing in Roonburg

CBS tram!
 Hope you enjoyed our pictures =D Next post is about our trip to Zürich!!
Bis später!

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