tiistai 7. lokakuuta 2014

Oktoberfest 2014


About a month ago we registered to a student trip to Oktoberfest! It was organized by pm2am Student Trips and cost 55 € per person.
We started our journey on Friday evening at 23.50 from Köln Hauptbahnhof. We traveled there by bus and the journey took about 9 hours to München. We stopped at Mainz to get other people also on board. Even though the journey was so long at least Jenna slept well during it :) Maiju on the other hand did not but... no can do.

Something about 30 minutes later that we stopped in Mainz, we smelled something weird :D it was smoke and diesel mixed.. We thought that the bus was burning or something :D The bus needed to stop in the middle of a highway in the middle of nowhere... Everyone was asked to get out from the bus  because the smell was so strong. Apparently there were something broken in the brakes (they were stuck and when the bus moved it caused a lot of smoke). Luckily the driver knew how to fix it and we continued our journey after 30 minutes.

We arrived in München 10 in the morning. We were supposed to get a traditional Bavarian breakfast but only thing we got was a little juice box, chocolate bar and a bretzel :'DD Hahaha... And in addition we needed to eat them at the street...and it was really cold!
From the bus it was about 10 minutes walk to the Oktoberfest area. We were told that first we should try to go to a Biergarten or Festzelt (beer tent) because we were already late! We should have arrived to München around 9, but we didn't so we needed to be quick...We found a small tent and there was already people queueing to go inside. Well we waited there a while, but then the personnel of the tent told that nobody would get inside anymore and that we need to leave....and they were very rude, they physically pushed people away from the door!

It was also full outside!
Then we decided to try and find another bigger tent. We found one that wasn't yet closed, but there was a lot of people queueing for it too. Still we decided to stay there and see what happens.
We waited there for about 1,5 hours and people were getting in every now and then. But then suddenly the security guys put up a sign that said the tent is full and the entrance is now closed.....

Luckily there was so many people standing so close that it was quite warm waiting :D

We were ready to give up and go somewhere else, but the other girls still wanted to wait and see if we could get in. So we decide to wait for a while still...
We ended up staying there for almost 3 hours before we really gave up! We were a bit sad that we couldn't go inside the tent and see how it is like, but there was really nothing we could do....
After all that waiting we were really cold and hungry so we tried to find a place to eat inside. Luckily we found a good place really fast!

Maiju ate bratwurst with sauerkraut

Jenna ate portion with different cheeses and meats


The food was really good! And also there was a orchestra playing typical German music. The food cost around 15 € each.
After lunch we just walked around the whole area and enjoyed the feeling there.

Fruits covered with chocolate!

Cookies with decoration were sold everywhere

Jenna bought one for memory :)

The Oktoberfest area

Main entrance to the area

The area had basically two sides: the beer tent and an amusement park side. There were 14 huge beer tents and then at the other side of the area there was a whole amusement park with lots of different rides! Also the area was full of food stands and little shops selling souvenirs. 

After walking around the area we decided to go to the city centre and see what München looks like. We left the area and walked at the street when Maiju heard something really familiar... Someone singing her favourite song Todella Kaunis to the microphone! So, Maiju just ran there, stole the mic and started to sing it :D :D It turned out that there was a huge group of Finnish guys visiting the Oktoberfest. They had paid to a street musician to play couple of Finnish songs. You can just imagine the guys' reaction when we got there :D
We decided to join them to their hostel bar for couple of drinks. We spent almost the whole evening with them singing, playing guitar and drinking Malibu-Cola.. I think we should not tell this but yeah, we traveled to Oktoberfest and drank 0 beers :DDDD We hate it....

After nine we walked back to the Oktoberfest area to eat something before we need to leave back to Köln. We bought German versions of hot dogs. They cost 4 € and were tasty!

Last but not least, Maiju went to one of those rides in the amusement park! The name of it was Top Spin (same as Kieputin in Linnanmäki). It cost 4,50 € which is quite expensive but it was totally worth it!! Soooo cool, and it lasted like 10 times longer than in Linnanmäki :D I could've gone to it ten times in a row..

The upper row, fifth from left! 

Someone had won a huge tiger
Then it was the time to catch the bus. We left back home at 23.30 and arrived in Köln at 9 in the morning. Such a long journey.. But totally worth it! It would be fun to visit Oktoberfest again in the future and maybe to see the city also, because this time we missed it..
Wish we had something similar in Finland also. Everything is here so big! :D

Next post is going to be about Jenna's visit to Trivago's headquarters!
Tschüss :)

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