maanantai 13. lokakuuta 2014

Trivago visit


For a change something about our school and not about all the partying and traveling :D

I (Jenna) have a course called Comparative International Management. The course is surprisingly about management, basically we have talked about the general theories of management. But in addition to the classes once a week, we also have 3 company visits. In my opinion this is really good and gives a new interesting perspective to studying. The first visit was to the Trivago headquarters in Düsseldorf!

It was actually pure luck that I could go to this trip, since there was only 4 persons from my class allowed to go to the visit. All in all we were about 30 people in the trip. The visit took place actually a while ago already on 30th of September.

Me, Andrea and Diego from my class went to Düsseldorf together by train. All of us needed to go there by ourselves, so it was really nice to go together with them and not alone. The journey took a little over 30 minutes and we found the headquarters quite easily.

Our day started at 2 pm in the huge, modern office of Trivago. The office was soo nice, I couldn't have imaged a nicer place to work. Our day was full of presentations and at the end we had some finger food and open talk.

The first presentation was about the company itself. We learned about the mission statement of Trivago, their values and a brief history. Then we were told about the job opportunities there and how it is like to work at Trivago. Trivago actually offers quite a lot of internships to students and also student jobs, nice! Next presentation was about marketing at Trivago and the last about their product development.  We had a lot of presentations but luckily they were all interesting so the day went by fast :)

The most interesting things I learned about Trivago was that first of all they offer their employees unlimited vacations! There is no predefined number of vacation days, but you can have a holiday whenever you like. But of course not all the time :D The key thing about Trivago is that they trust their employees and that is why they can offer these unlimited vacations and nobody takes advantage of them. Also the employees have flexible working hours and Trivago organizes a lot of trips and events for them.

Trivago has a flat organization and nobody really has titles in the company. Everybody talks to each other in the same way, it doesn't matter if you are the CEO or an intern. Trivago wants their employees to be friends not just colleagues, that is why normally on Friday every week the employees have few beers together at the office and relax! (yes, beer at the office!! :D) There was many kitchens at the office and in all of them there was a fridge full of beer and if you felt like it you could go and grab a beer in the middle of work :D Sounds like a great place to work!

The office as a building was amazing. The view over Düsseldorf was really something :)

Inside the office was also really nice. They had a pool table, foosball table (soccer table), a small climbing wall, meeting rooms that looked like small cozy living rooms....I could have never imagined an office like that, it was the perfect place to work!

Open talk and finger food -part of the day

Free food for us, it was delicious! 
Overall the day was very interesting and I liked it a lot. Really wish that I get to work in a place like that in my future, it sounded even too good to be true :D

Next post will be about our weekend tip to Berlin!

Bis bald!

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