tiistai 14. lokakuuta 2014

Berlin, part 1


Last weekend we traveled to Berlin with a group of 23 people from our school. The trip was organized by our school's Corporate Identity Team. The trip cost 120€ and it included bus transfer, accommodation and a city tour.

We were supposed to leave on Friday morning at 7, but of course there was some difficulties...everybody else was on time ready to leave except our trip organizer, it turned out that he had overslept :D Eventually we left for Berlin 45 minutes later than scheduled. The journey to Berlin took about 9 hours instead of the normal 8 hours because of traffic jam near Berlin. Luckily we got some sleep so it wasn't so bad!

We arrived to our hostel which was very centrally located at Alexanderplatz in the city center. The hostel was called One80° and it was actually really nice, better than we expected. Our rooms were for 4 people and each of them had own toilet and shower.

Our room from the door

Lobby, reception, bar and restaurant :D

Everybody waiting for the city tour to start
First thing after arriving to Berlin was to get food! Some of us decided to go to a restaurant. We had no idea where we were, so we just wandered around and found a nice pizzeria near the hostel. By the way eating in a restaurant here in Germany is much cheaper than in Finland. We ordered six meals and drinks and it all cost 66€. The pizza and pasta were really good!

Jenna, Maiju, Marion, Hélèna, Omar and Pim

After eating we headed back to the hostel, since we had a pub crawl planned for us at 8. We walked to the first bar where the whole thing started. Of course we made a little circle walking there, because why not...:D Levent didn't want to admit that he was lost, but of course we figured it out! Eventually we found the bar and then we needed to pay 12€ to participate in the crawl. The twelve euros included a free beer, free shots and entrance to a club. We thought that it was only going to be our group for the pub crawl but actually there was a lot of people! In our opinion it wasn't that awesome...we didn't get the free shots in every bar, we don't drink beer (:D), when we got the shots they weren't that good, there were so many of us that the pubs were crowded and hot...just a little bit of complaining :D nevertheless we had a good time and it was something different to a normal night! Our night ended to a club called Matrix. It was huge and nicely decorated. There were three different areas with specific music genres. We really liked the place, too bad that we were too tired to stay there long. We left the club around 2 and went to sleep. 

Our stay at the hostel included a breakfast. We decided to go and have breakfast together at 10. The food was okay, nothing that special. Then we had some free time before the city tour at 2. We wanted to go shopping so we had an efficient 30 minutes of shopping. Jenna found two knits from Mango and Maiju found jeans and earrings from Tally Weijl. Then we had the city tour, but we are gonna tell more about that in a separate post!

In the evening we gathered together in one room at our hostel. We drank a couple of drinks there, even though it wasn't allowed...:D Around 10 we left to find a club which some people walking in the street recommended us. Eventually when we got there after taking two metros and walking a lot, it turned out that there was a beatboxing competition going on.. So we didn't go in. :D At that point one of us had drank a bit too much alcohol so we needed to take that person back to the hostel.. When we left the hostel again we had been walking over two hours. It really didn't go like in the movies :D So we just decided to walk to a nearest bar and stay there. We found one from Alexanderplatz! It wasn't a club, actually it was built in a tent but we had fun there. Again around 2 we decided to go to sleep. 

Pim the captain!

Martyna, Pim, Jenna, Maiju and Hélèna
On Sunday morning we had breakfast already at 9, we struggled a bit waking up but we had to eat :D The checkout from the hostel was already at 10 which we found a bit weird. We left back to Köln after 10 and arrived here after 6. The journey again wasn't that bad, we got some sleep and it went quickly. 

The next post is about our sightseeing tour in Berlin, generally about Berlin and the atmosphere there!


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